
In this blog, we will showcase some of the screw pile projects undertaken by Paalupiste in Finland and elsewhere in the world.

Have a look at these interesting case studies and learn more about what kind of projects screw piles are suitable for. Thanks to the ease of installation and handling, helical piles are also a popular foundation method in infrastructure projects.

solar panel field with screw piles

Solar Panel Foundations and the power of solar energy
(CASE: Solar Park, Orimattila, Finland)

As of right now, solar energy is a booming business and all indicators and metrics point to the fact that it’s not going to slow down. This is the main reason why it’s important to not only invest in the platform but devote key assistance to its implementation, primarily it’s foundation and the critical structures that will protect your solar power equipment. At PAALUPISTE we built and construct personalized solar panel foundations unique to the client’s requirements and specifications.

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Ankkapuiston terassien ruuvipaalutus ilmakuva

Installing terrace foundations on soft clay soil
(CASE: Ankkapuisto Park, Vantaa, Finland)

Ankkapuisto Park in Korso, Vantaa has gone through extensive improvement works which have made the area much more attractive. As an icing on the cake, and as a pleasant surprise to its users, it was decided that two large public terraces would be built in Ankkapuisto in July 2019. The terraces are also meant to be used as performance stages in various events taking place in the park.

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kierrepaalutettu meluaita

Installing screw pile foundations for a noise barrier
(CASE: Highway 5, Mikkeli, Finland)

Highway 5 is the main arterial road of Eastern Finland and it’s used for both personal and industrial traffic. At present, 7,800 – 13,300 vehicles travel along the 37 km stretch of the highway between Mikkeli and Juva daily, but the amount of traffic is constantly increasing. Due to the heavy traffic, in addition to road improvement works, measures have been taken to prevent noise pollution. Paalupiste was given the task of installing the screw pile foundations of the highway’s noise barrier, which is situated in the Lähemäki area of Mikkeli.

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Lämpöruuvipaalun asennus turun kauppatorilla

Installation of geothermal piles
(CASE: Toriparkki Car Park, Turku)

A new car park is being constructed underneath the Turku Market Square. The parking lot will have 620 parking spaces and there will also be 20 charging points for electric vehicles. The car park (called Toriparkki) is a so-called zero-energy car park. It will be heated using, amongst other things, the geothermal energy stored in the layer of clay underneath the car park. Paalupiste undertook the job of embedding the geothermal collectors into the clay layer underneath the car park.

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Poroja estettiin eksymästä kaivosalueelle

Reindeer fence built with mesh fence piles
(CASE: Lycksele, Sweden)

There are numerous ways to utilise screw piles from big industrial buildings to reindeer fences. Yes, you got it right: reindeer fences. Paalupiste received an interesting job offer to install a 1 800 meter protective fence around a gold mine in Lycksele, Sweden. One of the purposes of the fence was to make sure the reindeers around the area wouldn’t get lost in the mining site. We developed a brand new product for this project; a mesh fence pile, which turned out to be brilliant.

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Screw piling a 10 meter high cycle path in the middle of a forest (CASE: Fietsen Der Boomen, Belgium)

One of the most interesting projects Paalupiste has taken part in was Fietsen door de Bomen Cycle Path in Belgium which opened in June 2019. The structure, situated in the Limburg province, provides a unique cycling experience at a height of up to 10 meters amongst the treetops. The cycling path is 700 meters long and it gives the opportunity to experience the surrounding nature from a completely new perspective. 

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